Margin Of A Parallel

It is project in Barbil during the residency of Utsha foundation. Barbil is a City and a municipality in the Kendujhar district (also known as Iron City) of the state of Odisha, India. It is one of the 5th scheduled areas. The region around Barbil has a largest deposit of Iron ore and manganese ore in the world. It is a major source of revenue generation for both the Central and the State government. Apart from that, the place is surrounded by breath taking sceneries unfolded by nature’s touch.

Develop this paddy plant within 7 days during the Utsha residency

The above study clearly shows that farmers living near to mining areas have become the worst sufferers of this process. Environmental degradation in the buffer zone due to mining is the major contributing factor behind the loss of earning from traditional sources. A gross reduction of annual income is clearly observed near to villages located to suakati and the villagers have become mines & wage worker working in the mines as daily laborer. The loss of annual income is mainly because of loss of income from forest land, loss of incomes opportunities and grabbing of government land harnessed for ages by tribal’s by the land mafia, loss of income from natural water resources etc. Loss of productivity of paddy in periphery villages of mines area. Agriculture is the major source of livelihood of this area. Agriculture is partially dependent upon the stream’s waters. Except agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry, trading, forest related activities like NTFP collection has remain major source of income. The socio-•‐economic conditions in the study area I indicated the quality of life of the people. The important indicators which decide the quality of life and require to be improved for better living conditions are literacy levels, improved occupational structure, infrastructure facilities, transportation, communication linkages, land development and improvement in cropping pattern. Incidentally, all parameters mentioned above are directly or indirectly affected by mining activities in study sit. At this juncture, improvement of Socio-•‐ economic levels of people in the study area should be the prime responsibility of the mines company apart from the government agencies.

I Collect the materials iron dust, helmet, gloves, and coals, from mine areas labours.

The mineral resource base of Orissa is mainly spread in the tribal community dominated pockets. In the past several years, Orissa has emerged as dynamic state that is poised to turn around its development fortunes by utilizing its mineral resource. Mineral-•‐ intensive growth is known to create significant environmental externalities and this is clearly observed in mineral rich districts of the state. This study has sought to explore the impact of mining on the surrounding environment & on the most vulnerable sections of society.
I collect the coals, iron dust, neon light during the Utsha residency.

Unforgettable burnt poem during at piramal art residency, Mumbai

The baseline status of the ambient air quality of both the study area has been assessed through a scientifically designed ambient air quality-•‐monitoring network. It is because of movement of large number of vehicles, bad road infrastructure condition and running of other machinery for exploration of iron ore. It is mainly because of movement of large number of vehicles & bad condition of road.
Sprinkling of water to suppress dust is found to be inadequate. Already this area has been put in zone-•‐7 by odisha state pollution control board and has warned that this area will face high level of air pollution in upcoming days if adequate pollution prevention step is not taken up. The Main reason of air pollution in this site is mainly because of:

  • Poor management of overburden dumping areas Blasting operation carried out without dust suppression system
  • Ore beneficiation at mines area creating a lot of SPM to air due to inadequate dust suppresses mechanism.
  • Bad road infrastructure and dust suppression system like sprinkling of water is inadequate.
  • Large number of trucks, lorry moving for loading and transportation.
  • Use of diesel by vehicles is causing SO2 pollution.
  • Lack of vegetation cover near to road side.

If the above problems are not cared up in upcoming days, air pollution problem will become more critical as found at Joda area. District administration, State Pollution Control Board must look this issue seriously in order to prevent any further deterioration in the air quality of this area. It was affecting in farming and it also affected in forest plantations.

I collect scrap materials from mines area and make a flower vessel

Mining to extract non-•‐renewable resources played a crucial role in economic development of any country. Though Keonjhar is playing a significant role in fulfilling the iron ore demand of both domestic & world markets, it has remained as poor as it previously uses to be. Rather, the vast forest, water resources has been completely affected due to this process. Mining activities for last 3 decades has resulted in to affecting the economic condition of tribal. Too much of the environment is being consumed through depletion of forest resources and downstream pollution of water bodies etc. this is creating an external cost to the society in form of water, air & soil pollution.